The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy


The Cabal is back for another dose of insubordinate nonsense! Today the gang talks about some great games including Magic the Gathering, Khora: Rise of an Empire, Immortals, Scooby Doo: Escape from the Haunted Mansion, Run Cowboy Run and Intrepid. Then Don and Jamie feature review Clash of Cultures Monumental Edition from designer Christian Marcussen and Wiz-Kids. Then Tony T pulls out the news articles if runs down all the most important things happening in the tabletop gaming world. Then finally the Founders discuss Unwritten Rules in board gaming.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#239: Through The Ages and a Short Topic Extravaganza

Awww yeah, the gang is back in action for another bananas episode of The Secret Cabal! Don and Jamie dive into a feature review of the classic Vlaada Chvátil game, Through The Ages: A New Story of Civilization and the gang hosts another Short Topic Extravaganza with topics including is it okay to turn down designers when they ask you to playtest? Do you like long turns with few rounds or fast turns with tons of rounds? And do we believe in bigfoot and UFOs?

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#238: Descent Legends of the Dark and Does Size Matter

Oh Yeah! Tony and Chris are back in action in episode 238 of The Secret Cabal! Today we start off by hearing a little about Tony's journey across the country and then dive into the games we've been playing over the past 2 weeks. Then Don and Jamie dive into an in-depth review of Descent Legends of the Dark. Then finally the gang discusses whether size matters in board gaming - box size, card size, table presence, etc.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#237: SpaceCorp 2025-2300AD and The Shelf of Shame

Hey Now Cabalists! It’s time for another wild, crazy, bananas, brilliant, bombastic, and meshugenah episode of The Secret Cabal Today it's only Don, Steve and Jamie as the others are off doing whatever they do and the gang dives into the games they've been playing. Then Don and Jamie review SpaceCorp 2025-2300AD Then finally Don and Jamie talk about their shelves of shame.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#235: Mind MGMT and Nailing a Board Game Theme

Hey Now Gang and welcome back to another wild and crazy episode of The Secret Cabal! Today the gang flies into action talking about a bunch of great games they've been playing. Then Don and Steve take a look at Mind MGMT: The Psychic Espionage Game. The, because Tony T is galivanting across the United States on a month-long road trip, Steve takes control of the news desk and gives us every bit of great tabletop gaming news he can. Then the gang talks about board games that really nail their theme!

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#234: Oath Chronicles of Empire and Exile and a Short Topic Extravaganza

The gang talks about some of the games they've been playing, dive deep into a feature review of Oath Chronicles of Empire and Exile by Cole Wehrle, Tony T collects and presents the best of the best tabletop gaming news you'll ever heard finally hosts a Short Topic Extravaganza including questions from listeners regarding using chess clocks, getting deeper into the theme of a game and losing your cook at the table.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#232: Monumental and Analysis Paralysis and Downtime

In today's episode the Founders jump into talking about a bunch of great games we've been playing, then Jamie, Chris, Steve and Don dive into a feature review of Monumental. Tony T, as always, rounded up a list of the most important tabletop gaming news stories you'll find while the rest of the guys chatter away with their thoughts. Then finally the boys discuss Analysis Paralysis and Downtime and how it affects gameplay.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#231: Nidavellir, Chimera Station and a Short Topic Extravaganza

The Gang is back again for another dose of meshugenah nonsense and gaming chatter, Then Don, Chris and Jamie jump into a full review of Nidavellir and look back at both Chimera Station and Star Trek Ascendency one year later. Tony T is all fired up to give you the most important net stories from round the gaming verse. The Founders round out the episode with a Short Topic Extravaganza.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#230: Deranged and Returning to Normalcy

Awwww yeah! It's time for another dose of Secret Cabal Insubordinate Nonsense! Today the gang starts out by talking about 2021 being the 10th anniversary year and promoting their upcoming Kickstarter on June 2nd. Then they dive into the games they've been playing including Red Rising, Stacadia Quest, SpellTable, 50 Clues The Pendulum of the Dead, Cavemen: Quest for Fire and Mr. Jack. Then Don, Steve and Jamie jump into a feature review of Deranged from designer German Tikhomirov and published by Hobby World. Then, of course, Tony T gets busy with the biggest and best tabletop gaming news review of all time and the other Founders give their valued thoughts on the topics of the day. And finally, the gang gets into talking about all the great games they're excited to play now that we're all vaccinated up and ready to get back to gaming in person!

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#229: After the Empire, Viticulture and Two Truths and a Lie

The Founders are back again for some meshugenah nonsense in episode 229! Today the gang talks about some games they've been playing. Then Jamie and Don dive into a feature review of After the Empire from Grey Fox Games and look back at Viticulture Essentials edition from Stonemaier Games one year later. Then Tony T does what Tony T does best - giving you the best damned tabletop gaming news roundup in all of tabletop gaming while the rest of the guys chirp in the background. And finally, the gang take a break from gaming conversation to tell some stories from their pasts while playing Two Truths and a Lie!

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#228: Res Arcana, Underwater Cities and a Short Topic Extravaganza

It's time for your weekly dose of board gaming nonsense from the kings of nonsense and board games, The Secret Cabal Founders! Today the gang gives wishes Tony T a happy birthday and allows him to talk about microplastics. Then Don and Jamie jump into a feature review of Res Arcana and look back at Underwater Cities. And finally, the gang hosts a short topic extravaganza in which they discuss reprints, what real life jobs would make great board games and the best way to adapt video games to board games.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#227: Hallertau, Clinic and The Founders Play Insider

The Founders are back for your weekly dose of Secret Cabal Gaming Action and nonsense! Today the gang starts out by talking about the first them most of them have been together in person in a long time as they fulfill the 2020 Kickstarter rewards and dive into some games they've been playing. Then, Jamie, Tony Chris and Don host a feature review of the new Uwe Rosenburg game, Hallertau from Lookout Games and Look Back at Clinic from AV Studio Games. Then after Tony T gives you the most meshugenah tabletop gaming news roundup you'll ever year the Founders play four rounds of Insider by Oink Games.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#226: Grand Austria Hotel, Chronicle of Crime and Managing a Game Collection

Hey Now Cabalists! In episode 226 the Founders begin by talking about Chris' Shelf Disaster Watch 2021 and then jump into some games they've been playing Then Don and Jamie dive into a feature review of Grand Austria Hotel and a look back at Chronicle of Crime Tony T is back on the scene with another groundbreaking tabletop gaming news segment while the rest of the guys chatter in the background. And Finally the Founders discuss managing a game collection and culling games from said collection.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#225: Dwellings of Eldervale, Puerto Rico and a Short Topic Extravaganza

It's that time again for another Cabal episode and this time the gang rattles off a bunch of great games the Founders have been playing including The Shining, Bloodborne, Tapestry, Renature, Dice Throne Adventures and By Stealth and Sea. Then Don and Jamie jump into the feature review segment to talk about the brand-new hotness everyone is chirping about, Dwellings of Eldervale and look back at a classic board game everyone should play at least once, Puerto Rico. And of course, as always, Tony T goes bananas in his world-renowned tabletop gaming news segment. And finally, the boys tackle some questions from listeners including topic such as, how has Kickstarter changed us positively and negatively, is the cult of the new a board game only thing and what are some great hidden gems that no one is talking about.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#224: Praga Caput Regni, Flotilla, Maracaibo and Movies, TV and Board Games

The Founders are back for another jam-packed episode of The Cabal. The gang jumps into a bunch of games they've been playing including Dice Throne Adventures, Biblios, Risk Legacy update, Etherfields and Slay the Spire. Then Jamie, Don and Chris get into a feature review of Praga Caput Regni by Vladimír Suchý and a double header look back of both Flotilla and Maracaibo. Then after Tony T's news segment, the Founders discuss movies tv shows and intellectual property board games.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#223: Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps and A Short Topic Extravaganza

Hey Now Cabalists, the Founders are back for another installment of your favorite 3-hour dose of insubordinate nonsense! Today the Founders jump right into a feature review of Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps from Gale Force Nine. Tony T is on point yet again with the most astounding tabletop gaming news segment in the history of tabletop gaming media and the rest of the guys ruin it by cracking wise and pointing out all the mispronunciations. And the crew wraps up the show with another Short Topic Extravaganza featuring the topics of how to make a top 50 favorite games list, do we keep stats of our plays and do the Founders enjoy new games or old games better.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#222: Dune Imperium, Sanctum and Reprints, Reimplementations and Nostalgia

It's a brand new year and the Founders and back with another jam packed episode! Today the gang goes on about a bunch of great games including Endeavor Age of Sail, 1960 The Making of the President, Clank! The Mummy's Curse, Glen More 2 Chronicles, Mystery of the Abbey and Everdell. Then Don, Tony and Jamie dive into a feature review of Dune Imperium from Dire Wolf Games and look back at Sanctum from CGE. Then after Tony T gives his world renowned performace as a throughly prepared newsman the guys talk about Reprints, Reimplementations and Nostalgia in board gaming.

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The Secret Cabal, Christmas James Keagy The Secret Cabal, Christmas James Keagy

#221: Altar Quest, Cthulhu Death May Die and A Potpourri of Short Topics of Yesteryear Extravaganza

Hey Now and Happy Holidays Cabalists! In the holiday special of The Secret Cabal Gaming Podcast the Founders start out talking about Steve's Facebook and delivering Grub Hub woes and discuss a bunch of games the group’s been playing. Then the founders hook you up with a feature review of Altar Quest and look back at Cthulhu Death May Die and Batman Gotham City Chronicles. And finally host a Potpourri of Short Topics of Yesteryear Extravaganza.

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