Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy

Lords of the Dungeon 84: The Perils of Joining a New Group

A fell plague hath beset the Cabal, striking hard and laying low good Jesko and noble AC! Yet fear not, for steadfast Jamie, valiant Jess, and bold Bender do take up the mantle, helming Lords of the Dungeon in their absence. These last Lords standing embark upon three grand tales this day: the shifting tides and lengths of campaigns through the ages, the folly of players who craft their own hardships, and the perils and delights that come with joining a fellowship anew. Raise thy tankards, my friends - huzzah!

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Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy

Lords of the Dungeon 83: Finding the Balance

Hear ye, hear ye! Gather 'round, good folk, and lend thine ears! This day, the noble fellowship doth embark upon a most curious experiment—a new manner of tale-telling, wherein many a topic shall be pondered under the banner of "Finding the Balance." Let it be known that the Lords shall speak of the casting of fate-bound dice, the perils of adversarial Game Masters, the clash 'twixt combat and roleplay, and much, much more! So steel thy minds, sharpen thine ears, and revel in the wisdom to come! Huzzah!

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Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy

Lords of the Dungeon 82: Campaign Implosion and Player Preparation

Hark, noble Cabalists! Gather 'round and lend thine ears, for in this eve's tale of Lords of the Dungeon, our merry fellowship doth wrestle with a query from a distant traveler. How, pray tell, does one steer their quest true when a minor misstep doth send the campaign tumbling into ruin most dire? But lo, that is but the prologue! For anon, the Lords delve into the heart of the matter--a grand discourse on how brave adventurers may rise to meet the zeal and preparation of their most esteemed game master. So, sit ye back, grasp thy tankard, and let the tale unfold.

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Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy

Lords of the Dungeon 81: Our New Pathfinder 2e Campaign

Hail and well met, noble travelers! Gather 'round, for I bring glad tidings of another tale spun from the annals of Lords of the Dungeon! This day, our bold and intrepid heroes embark upon a new saga, delving into the storied realms of Pathfinder Second Edition. Hearken as they weave tales of the homebrew lands they’ve wrought with their own hands, introduce the stalwart champions who shall brave the trials ahead, and share their first impressions of this novel system of rules and magic. So, lend thy ear, and may thy spirits soar with the telling! Enjoy, one and all!

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Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy

Lords of the Dungeon 80: Balancing Rewards and The Virtue Engine

Greetings, Cabalists! This be a day most grand, for 'tis the day of roleplaying tales and discourse! Today, we delve into two most wondrous topics. First, we entertain a query from a keen listener who seeks wisdom on how to bestow rewards upon players without upsetting the delicate balance of the game. And then, we unravel a New Concept of considerable intrigue—a Character Virtue Engine! This wondrous mechanism doth guide thy characters through the murky waters of moral quandaries and ambiguous fates. We bid thee enjoy this lively discussion!

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Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy

Lords of the Dungeon 79: Developing a New Adventuring Party

Greetings, esteemed Cabalists, and well met upon this fine occasion of another discourse from the Lords of the Dungeon. Today, the Lords doth speak of the final chapter in their most revered Shadowrun campaign, which now draweth to its close, and the commencement of a new journey within the realm of Pathfinder. Thereafter, they turn their attentions to the matter of forming a band of adventurers. With great care, they discuss the gathering of the party, and how they might craft a fellowship that is unified in both spirit and purpose, ensuring that all may partake in the adventure with joy and harmony, each role complementing the other, so as to maximize the delight of all involved.

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Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy

Lords of the Dungeon 78: Metacurrencies and PC Advancement

Greetings, noble subjects and esteemed Cabalists! On this fine morn, we begin our gathering with a hearty tribute to Jesko and Lady Stacey, who celebrate their wedding anniversary, a bond forged in honor and love. Next, we delve into a matter of great intrigue—metacurrencies, those precious rewards bestowed by the game master or system, which can be spent by adventurers to gain boons and favor in their quests. Lastly, the Lords shall hold counsel on the art of character progression, seeking wisdom on how to ensure advancement that brings joy and triumph to all players.

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Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy

Lords of the Dungeon 77: Playing the Game or Roleplaying The Character

Hark, Cabalists! Gather 'round, for today the Lords embark on a most wondrous journey through realms of imagination. They begin by weaving tales of the many role-playing adventures that Jess and Bender have embarked upon—no fewer than five, I tell thee! From the shadows of the Vampire Dark Ages to the desolate wastes of Fallout, these campaigns are brimming with peril and intrigue. But lo, the fellowship delves even deeper, pondering a question from a wise Listener: Should one approach the art of role-playing with the cunning of a strategist, or should one immerse fully in the emotions and desires of the character they portray? Verily, it is a question for the ages! Huzzah!

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Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy

76: Making Your Setting Feel Alive and Sudden Campaign Ends

Greetings, noble Cabalists! Gather round as the Lords commence episode 76, where Sir Bender doth recount the tale of what he declares his most favored Shadowrun Adventure of all time! Thereafter, the valiant company delves into a discourse on breathing life into thy campaign worlds during sessions of gaming, and doth follow with a discussion on how to manage the abrupt conclusion of a campaign. Enjoy this grand tale!

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Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy

Lords of the Dungeon 75: Mothership, Shadowrun, and Player Created NPCs

In episode 75 of Lords of the Dungeon, the crew jacks in and starts off with Jess’ new chef bard character, whipping up more than just trouble in the kitchen. Jamie dives into the nitty-gritty of the Mothership Core and Deluxe Boxed Sets, spilling the beans on all the bad ass goodies inside the boxes. Meanwhile, AC decrypts some fresh insights on Planescape, pulling data as he codes his next campaign. Then, the team shifts gears to talk about non-player characters crafted by the players, dissecting how these digital shadows breathe extra life into the game.

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Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy

Lords of the Dungeon 74: The Quiet Year, Fallout, and Superheroes

Greetings, valiant Cabalists! Join us for a whirlwind adventure as we explore the realms of tabletop gaming! In this thrilling episode the gang reviews an incredibly unique game, The Quiet Year and discuss the explosive popularity of Fallout tabletop roleplaying. We'll recount Bender's legendary exploits in the classic Harlequin adventure for Shadowrun and soar to new heights with a discussion of superheroes and the thrilling world of superheroic role-playing! Prepare for excitement beyond measure! Excelsior!

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Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy

Lords of the Dungeon 73: Exploitable Abilities

Alright chummers, listen up. This datastream kicks off with the Lords revealing their fresh-off-the-press Shadowrun personas for Bender's upcoming run. After that, they dive into their ongoing Call of Cthulhu gig, swapping tales and tactics from the madness-inducing adventures they're caught up in. Then, things get real juicy as they roll into a deep convo about the tricksy abilities us players can exploit and how game masters can keep a lid on the power we wield. Dig it and stay frosty out there in the sprawl!

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Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy

#72: Our Favorite Characters and Character Idiocracies

Hark, Cabalists, for another tale unfolds in the annals of the Lords of the Dungeon! As the merry band rejoices in their reunion, they entertain a listener's query, recounting cherished characters of yore. Delving into character quirks, they ponder virtues and pitfalls with wisdom and mirth. Together, let us embark on this journey through imagination and camaraderie, reveling in storytelling and fellowship. Embrace the adventure, for in kindred spirits, the joys of the tabletop know no bounds!

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Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy

#71: Goofing Off vs Getting Serious and Game Master Preparation

Gather 'round, noble Cabalists, for a profound sojourn with The Lords of the Dungeon! Today, amidst the swirling ether, we delve into the essence of balance, pondering the interplay of jest and gravity within our gaming realms. From merry jests to weighty matters, we traverse this delicate dance. Yet, our journey extends further, into the labyrinth of campaign preparation. What lore suffices, and what is excess? With minds keen and hearts resolute, we seek equilibrium, uniting frivolity and earnestness. Thus, let us embark on quests imbued with ancient wisdom and boundless imagination!

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Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy

70: What We Want to Play in 2024 and Player Choice in RPGs

Hail, noble Cabalists! In this inaugural episode of the year 2024, the gallant assembly delves into Jess and Bender's enduring Vampire the Masquerade campaign. Each Lord then shares their fervor for a new game in this annum, and the fellowship engages in a lively discourse on player choice, the illusion thereof, and the ensuing consequences. Join this convivial gathering as they traverse the realms of whimsical revelry!

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Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy

Lords of the Dungeon 69: Casual Game Mastering and Inspiration

Hark, noble Cabalists, and be greeted with mirth! On this day's tale, the Lords do convene to regale thee with the saga's crescendo in Jess' dragonlance campaign. A query from a gentle listener, pondering the art of casual game mastering, finds its home in the discourse. Yet, lo and behold, the most savory discourse unfolds as they delve into the rich marrow of inspiration—whence cometh our ideas, and doth it pass muster to filch from other realms of media?

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Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy

#68: TV and Movie RPGs and Player Engagement

Milady and noble sirs, in this day's tale told in the hallowed halls of Lords of the Dungeon, our valiant band converseth of the imminent close of act one of Jess' Dragonlance campaign. Then, the Lords, like knights yearning for adventure, do contemplate which silver screen and television quests they'dst fain take part in, forsooth! Lastly, we embark upon a noble quest to fathom the inner workings of players' hearts, delving into the arcane art of maintaining their ardor in the midst of game sessions. Onward, dear listeners, to these chivalrous endeavors!

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Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy

Lords of the Dungeon 67: Game Masters Do Terrible Things and Player Archetypes

Hark, dear companions, and be ensorcelled by the mystical vibrations of Lords of the Dungeon! On this auspicious day, let it be known that Aaron is aflame with excitement, for he unveils the sacred tomes of the 5th Edition Planescape, laden with secrets of worlds beyond reckoning. In the shadowy recesses of our discourse, we shall unravel the tales of the Game Masters who have woven dread and wonder upon their hapless players. Behold, as we traverse the cosmos of roleplaying games, discovering the varied archetypes of players that dwell within, and ponder the visages we ourselves bear in this ethereal realm of imagination! Welcome, noble souls, to an episode graced by the enchantment of the ages.

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Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy

#66: Talespire, Novel Mechanisms and the Suspension of Disbelief

Hear, O Cabalists! The noble Lords of the Dungeon return to regale thee with tales of roleplay anew. Today, we embark upon a quest into the mystical realms of Talespire, a 3D tabletop conjuration that doth defy imagination's bounds. Then our gaze falls upon three RPG gems, rare as phoenix feathers, bearing unique mechanisms: Ten Candles, Dread, and Alice is Missing. And in the shadows of discourse, we unfurl the cloak of suspension of disbelief, where the ethereal dance of fantasy and reality unfolds in the realm of roleplay. Join us on this lyrical odyssey, as the Lords of the Dungeon beckon thee to a world where stories breathe and dreams take flight!

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Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy

#65: The Responsibility of Character Investment

Hey Now Gang and welcome to another episode of Lords of the Dungeon! Today the gang gets into a discussion about their new campaign using the Old School Essentials RPG system in the world of Greyhawk. Then the Lords talk about their dive into the newest Dungeons and Dragons hostness, Baldur's Gate 3. Then Jess takes the gang down the long and winding road of player character investment and the group talks about the responsibility of the players and the game master.

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