The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

Episode 317: Brass Birmingham and Enduring Classics

Hey now and welcome, Cabalists! Today, Steve gives an awesome movie recommendation based on the popular social deduction game Werewolves of Miller's Hollow! Then we cruise right into some of the great games we've been playing, including Finspan, Guards of Atlantis II, On Mars, Teotihuacan, Bloodstones, and a feature review of Brass Birmingham from the great Martin Wallace. Then, after Tony T's world-famous news segment, the gang talks about what makes an enduring classic.

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Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy

Lords of the Dungeon 84: The Perils of Joining a New Group

A fell plague hath beset the Cabal, striking hard and laying low good Jesko and noble AC! Yet fear not, for steadfast Jamie, valiant Jess, and bold Bender do take up the mantle, helming Lords of the Dungeon in their absence. These last Lords standing embark upon three grand tales this day: the shifting tides and lengths of campaigns through the ages, the folly of players who craft their own hardships, and the perils and delights that come with joining a fellowship anew. Raise thy tankards, my friends - huzzah!

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

Episode 316: Everstone Discovering Ignis and a Short Topic Extravaganza

Good morning and happy Friday Cabalists! Sorry the episodes late but Jamie has been sick as a dog all week long but the show is finally here. Today we dive into a bunch of games we've been playing including Chaosmos, QE, Box One, Revive, Tower Up presented by Dan King the Game Boy Geek and feature Evertstone Discovering Ignis from Sam McDavitt. Then after Tony T's world renown new segment we host another Short Topic Extravaganza with questions including how long is too long? How much does theme matter? And how the hell do you use BoardGameGeek?

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Express James Keagy Express James Keagy

Express 104: The Value Of Board Games

Board games are getting more expensive! Don, Chris, and Jamie get together to talk about the value of the hobby they've chosen. The group talks about gauging perceived value, the psychology of board game pricing, luxury and upgraded board games, crowdfunding, the fear of missing out, and what really matters to get the most out of your dollar.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

Episode 315: Freedom Five and Mastering A Game

Hey now Cabalists! Today the game kicks off the show by moaning and complaining about all their problems but get right into the gaming with Ostia Pirates Expansion, Forest Shuffle, Ticket to Ride, Fled, Rebirth, and a feature review of Freedom Five A Sentinels Comics Board Game. Then Stevie S takes over for Tony T to give you all of the most important news from around the tabletop community. Then the Founders finish off the show with a discussion about mastering board games.

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Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy

Lords of the Dungeon 83: Finding the Balance

Hear ye, hear ye! Gather 'round, good folk, and lend thine ears! This day, the noble fellowship doth embark upon a most curious experiment—a new manner of tale-telling, wherein many a topic shall be pondered under the banner of "Finding the Balance." Let it be known that the Lords shall speak of the casting of fate-bound dice, the perils of adversarial Game Masters, the clash 'twixt combat and roleplay, and much, much more! So steel thy minds, sharpen thine ears, and revel in the wisdom to come! Huzzah!

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

Episode 314: Atlantis Exodus and A Short Topic Extravaganza

The episode starts off with a bang as Steve talks about his experience eating at PornHub and Chris scolds Tony for forcing him to buy a Squatty Potty. We then unfortunately move on to the board games we've been playing including River of Gold, Chu Han, Andromeda’s Edge, Creature Caravan, Cthulhu Death May Die Fear of the Unknown, and feature Atlantis Exodus, a new one coming down the pike from Capstone games! Then Tony T gives you the best damn table top gaming News segment in the history of tabletop gaming news segments. And finally, the gang takes questions from the listeners with topics including what are the current go-to gateway Games? How do you guys make all those noises at the beginning of the extravaganza? And what are your irrational biases?

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Express James Keagy Express James Keagy

Express 103: Hobbies New and Old with Rodney Smith

Today, Jamie is joined by Honorary Founder Rodney Smith to chat about their adventures into a variety of exciting new hobbies. They kick things off with a dive into the immersive world of tabletop wargaming, teasing their upcoming trip to Washington, DC, for the highly anticipated Circle DC convention. From there, they segue into their shared love for vinyl collecting, swapping stories about some of their all-time favorite albums. Naturally, no hobby chat would be complete without a detour into the realm of coffee and espresso, a passion both share with great enthusiasm. Finally, they wrap things up with a lively discussion about Rodney’s latest obsession: Gunpla. Rodney's enthusiasm is so contagious that, despite Jamie's resistance, it’s only a matter of time before he’s fully drawn into the world of Gundam model building.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

Episode 313: SETI and the 2025 Shelf of Shame Challenge

Hey Now Cabalists! The Founders are back on the day before the day of Steve's birth - so everyone jump over to the Discord and wish him a happy birthday! The gang talks about a bunch of games that they've been playing including Age of Innovation, Unsettled, Divide et Impera, Mille Fiori, How Do you Doodle and feature SETI Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence from Tomas Holek and Czech Games Edition. Then Tony T whips up a whirlwind of wonder with his wonderful news segment. And finally the gang discusses the 2024 Shelf of Shame Challenge and challenges themselves again with a new batch of games.

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Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy

Lords of the Dungeon 82: Campaign Implosion and Player Preparation

Hark, noble Cabalists! Gather 'round and lend thine ears, for in this eve's tale of Lords of the Dungeon, our merry fellowship doth wrestle with a query from a distant traveler. How, pray tell, does one steer their quest true when a minor misstep doth send the campaign tumbling into ruin most dire? But lo, that is but the prologue! For anon, the Lords delve into the heart of the matter--a grand discourse on how brave adventurers may rise to meet the zeal and preparation of their most esteemed game master. So, sit ye back, grasp thy tankard, and let the tale unfold.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

Episode 312: Endeavor Deep Sea and a Short Topic Extravaganza

Hey Now and Happy New Year Cabalists! 2025 kicks off with AC from Lords of the Dungeon sitting in for Tony T as he's traveling for the holiday. We dive into a bunch of games we've been playing including Star Trek Captains Chair, Great Western Trail New Zealand, Clank Catacombs, Fallout, Compile Main 1, and feature Endeavor Deep Sea designed by Carl de Visser and Jarratt Gray and published by Burnt Island Games. Stevie S takes over Tony T's newsman role for the day and gives you all the most important news stories from the tabletop gaming world. Then finally the gang takes questions from listeners including games we cant get to the table but refuse to get rid of, the TV shows we recommend, and how our hobby habits have changed over the years.

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The Secret Cabal, Christmas James Keagy The Secret Cabal, Christmas James Keagy

Episode 311: Doggerland and The Newlywed Game Founders Edition

Hey Now and Season's Greetings Cabalists! It times for the 13th annual Secret Cabal Holiday Special! Today the Founders dive into their stories from PAX Unplugged in Philadelphia and discuss the games they've been playing including Civolution, Dominion, Endeavour Deep Sea, Portmanteau and feature Doggerland from Super Meeple. Then after Tony T throws out the jolliest tabletop gaming news segment in history the gang goes wild with the ever-popular Newlywed Game Founders Edition!

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Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy

Lords of the Dungeon 81: Our New Pathfinder 2e Campaign

Hail and well met, noble travelers! Gather 'round, for I bring glad tidings of another tale spun from the annals of Lords of the Dungeon! This day, our bold and intrepid heroes embark upon a new saga, delving into the storied realms of Pathfinder Second Edition. Hearken as they weave tales of the homebrew lands they’ve wrought with their own hands, introduce the stalwart champions who shall brave the trials ahead, and share their first impressions of this novel system of rules and magic. So, lend thy ear, and may thy spirits soar with the telling! Enjoy, one and all!

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

Episode 310: Fromage and A Short Topic Extravaganza

Hey now Cabalists! For those of you are on your way to Pax Unplugged in Philadelphia today, we're happy to fill your ear holes with another episode of the Cabal while you travel! First off, The Founders dive into a bunch of games we've been playing including Undaunted 2200 Callisto, Wrath of Fire Mountain, Darwin’s Journey, Kelp Shark vs Octopus, Raising Robots, and a feature review of Fromage from Road To Infamy Games. Then Tony T gives you one of the best damned tabletop gaming news segments that's ever been produced. And finally, the gang takes questions from listeners including am I crazy for rebuying the same game multiple times and what do I do about my philistine friends. Enjoy!

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Express James Keagy Express James Keagy

Express 101: Designer Spotlight Ryan Laukat

Today, Don, Tony, and Jamie dive headfirst into the remarkable world of Ryan Laukat, the visionary game designer, artist, and founder of Red Raven Games. Together, they explore a wide range of his celebrated games, highlighting their unique elements and discuss how Ryan and his his creative partner and wife, Malorie, have evolved and perfected their design philosophy over the years.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

Episode 309: Black Forest and Peak Froth

Hey now amazing Cabalists! It's Wednesday again and it's time for some more wild, crazy, and bombastic Cabal nonsense! Some of the games we talked about today include Nucleum, Wizards and Co, Harmonies, Deep Shelf, Aliens Another Glorious Day in the Corps and a feature review of Black Forest by the great Uwe Rosenberg. Then after Tony T feeds us all the news we need to hear the gang discusses what puts them in their happy place. What gets them to "Peak Froth".

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Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy

Lords of the Dungeon 80: Balancing Rewards and The Virtue Engine

Greetings, Cabalists! This be a day most grand, for 'tis the day of roleplaying tales and discourse! Today, we delve into two most wondrous topics. First, we entertain a query from a keen listener who seeks wisdom on how to bestow rewards upon players without upsetting the delicate balance of the game. And then, we unravel a New Concept of considerable intrigue—a Character Virtue Engine! This wondrous mechanism doth guide thy characters through the murky waters of moral quandaries and ambiguous fates. We bid thee enjoy this lively discussion!

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

Episode 308: Creature Caravan and A Short Topic Extravaganza

It's Wednesday again and the gang is back for more Cabal nonsense. In today's episode that Founders talk about Descent Legends of the Dark, Expeditions Gears of Corruption, Freedom Five, Alien Fate of the Nostromo, The Lord of the Rings Duel for Middle Earth and feature Creature Caravan from Red Raven Games and designed by Ryan Laukat. Then after Tony T throws some wild and crazy news your way the boys takes some listener questions including table hogs, games we just can't part with, and what Big Box editions do we want. Enjoy!

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Mysteries of the Unknown, Halloween James Keagy Mysteries of the Unknown, Halloween James Keagy

Mysteries of the Unknown 02: The Hopkinsville Goblins

Greetings, aficionados of the inexplicable! Gather round as Steve, Tony, Bender, Don, and Jamie embark on a journey through the thrilling realms of the unexplained. The gang dives into a lively discussion on belief and skepticism surrounding Bigfoot and other cryptids, exploring different views on their existence. They then shift gears to discuss extraterrestrial life, sharing perspectives on whether we’re alone in the universe. Finally, Jamie presents the tale of the Hopkinsville Goblins, sparking a deep-dive conversation into this infamous encounter and the mystery behind it. Today, we descend into the mystifying abyss, beckoning you to join us in The Secret Cabal Presents: The Mysteries of the Unknown.

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