Battletome Vol 11: 3D Printing and Mutant Year Zero Zone Wars
Welcome Ye Gods of War and gather 'round, and hear tales from the void and beyond! In the eleventh chapter of our grand chronicle, Battletome, the intrepid Filthy Casuals make their triumphant return to the hallowed halls of the miniature gaming hobby! Brace yourselves as they regale you with exploits from the battlefields of Battletech Mercenaries, DC United, and the grim fate of the Blood Angels' Death Company. Our brave souls venture into the realm of 3D printing, sharing the arcane knowledge of the machines they command and the marvels they conjure from the ether. And finally, they plunge into the heart of the new skirmish miniatures game, Mutant Year Zero: Zone Wars, a creation of the Free League, born from their renowned roleplaying saga. Prepare thyselves, for adventure and discovery await in every word!
Battletome Vol 10: AC's Two Year Project and The Horus Heresy
Welcome Ye Gods of War! Today's chronicle unravels as these Filthy Casuals prattle on about their quaint endeavors in miniature craftsmanship. Jamie regales tales of his Dwarven Warband, while Mike boasts of a Norse Blood Bowl Team, and the gang trifles akin to plundered baubles from Etsy peddlers. Then, the enigmatic AC unveils a grand design, the colossal two-year odyssey culminating in a full lance of Adeptus Titanicus - a testament to the freebooter's audacity. The saga unfurls into a parlance concerning Games Workshop's freshest bounty, the Legions Imperialis.
Battletome Vol 9: One Page Rules
Welcome Ye Gods of War! Today, esteemed hobbyists, the Filthy Casuals engage in discussions regarding the Night Lords, A Song of Ice and Fire Tactics, contemplate the Legions Imperialis, explore Snap Ship Tactics, and evaluate the merits of Pro Acryl and Duncan Rhodes' Two Thin Coats. Following this, the squad immerses itself in the latest phenomenon of miniatures wargaming – One Page Rules. Our noble brothers dissect Grim Dark Future Firefight and Age of Fantasy Skirmish, imparting wisdom on the creation of your own chapters. May you find enlightenment in their endeavors on the battlefield. For The Emperor!
Battletome Vol 8: Star Wars Shatterpoint
Enter, Ye Gods of War, it's volume eight of Battletome, a podcast about the miniatures gaming hobby! Today, Bender, Aaron, Mike and Jamie Talk about Legions Imperialis, Cities of Sigmar, Blood and Plunder and basing your miniatures. Then the gang dives deep into the hottest new minis game on the market Star Wars Shatterpoint!
Battletome Vol 7: Warhammer Digital Games and Space Station Zero
Enter, Ye Gods of War, it's volume seven of Battletome, a podcast about the miniatures gaming hobby. Today, Bender, Aaron, Mike and Jamie Talk about hobby stores, hobby supplies, Warhammer 40k 10th edition, Warhammer digital games and take a look at Space Station Zero.
Battletome Vol 6: Warhammer 40k, Star Wars Shatterpoint, Battletech and More
Enter, Ye Gods of War! In Volume Six of Battletome, a podcast about the miniatures gaming hobby, the Filthy Casuals Bender, Aaron, Mike and Jamie talk about the hobby projects they've been getting into and all the news coming out of Adepticon 2023 including Warhammer 40k 10th edition, Star Wars Shatterpoint, The Battletech Mercenaries Kickstarter and more.
Battletome Vol 5: Battletech
Enter, Ye Gods of War! In Volume four of Battletome, a podcast about the miniatures gaming hobby, Bender, Aaron and Jamie discuss all the games and hobby project they've been getting into lately including Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k, Don't Look Back, Duncan Rhodes Two Thin Coats, Myth and Goal, and Aeronautica Imperialis Wrath of Angels. Then Aaron and Jamie dive into a feature review of Star Wars Legion published by Fantasy Flight Games and Atomic Mass Games!
Battletome Vol 4: Star Wars Legion
Enter, Ye Gods of War! In Volume four of Battletome, a podcast about the miniatures gaming hobby, Bender, Aaron and Jamie discuss all the games and hobby project they've been getting into lately including Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k, Don't Look Back, Duncan Rhodes Two Thin Coats, Myth and Goal, and Aeronautica Imperialis Wrath of Angels. Then Aaron and Jamie dive into a feature review of Star Wars Legion published by Fantasy Flight Games and Atomic Mass Games!
Battletome Vol 3: Age of Sigmar 3rd Edition with Joel Eddy of Drive Thru Games
Enter, Ye Gods of War! In Volume Three of Battletome, a podcast about the miniatures gaming hobby, Bender, Aaron and Jamie discuss all the games and hobby project they've been getting into lately including Warcry, Oak and Iron and Reign of Hell. Then Aaron and Jamie are joined by our great friend Joel Eddy of Drive Thru Games to dig deep into Age of Sigmar 3rd Edition. We discuss the brand new Domination boxed set and all the changes coming to this new edition of Game Workshop’s fantasy version of Warhammer!
Battletome Vol 2: Monsterpocalypse and Games Miniatures Gamers and Board Gamers can Play Together
Enter, Ye Gods of War! In Volume Two of Battletome, a podcast about the miniatures gaming hobby! Bender, Aaron and Jamie discuss all the games and hobby project they've been getting into lately including Warhammer 40k, Age of Sigmar, Flames of War, Gaslands and Lasting Tales. Then Aaron and Jamie give a full review of Privateer Press's kaiju brawling game, Monsterpocalypse! Then Don and Steve join Jamie and Aaron to discuss games that miniatures gamers and board gamers can play together, and both get their fix.
Battletome Vol 1: Warcry Review and Our Miniatures Gaming and Hobby Projects
Enter, Ye Gods of War! In Volume One of Battletome, a podcast about the miniatures gaming hobby, Bender, Aaron and Jamie discuss all the games and hobby project they've been getting into lately including Aeronautica Imperialis, Kings of War: Armada, Warhammer 40,000 9th edition, Aaron's Kharadron Overlords Age of Sigmar Army, Don't Look Back, Blood Bowl Second Season and the Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy. Then Aaron and Jamie give a full review of Games Workshop's small model count, fantasy skirmish miniatures game, Warcry!