Express 104: The Value Of Board Games
Board games are getting more expensive! Don, Chris, and Jamie get together to talk about the value of the hobby they've chosen. The group talks about gauging perceived value, the psychology of board game pricing, luxury and upgraded board games, crowdfunding, the fear of missing out, and what really matters to get the most out of your dollar.
Express 103: Hobbies New and Old with Rodney Smith
Today, Jamie is joined by Honorary Founder Rodney Smith to chat about their adventures into a variety of exciting new hobbies. They kick things off with a dive into the immersive world of tabletop wargaming, teasing their upcoming trip to Washington, DC, for the highly anticipated Circle DC convention. From there, they segue into their shared love for vinyl collecting, swapping stories about some of their all-time favorite albums. Naturally, no hobby chat would be complete without a detour into the realm of coffee and espresso, a passion both share with great enthusiasm. Finally, they wrap things up with a lively discussion about Rodney’s latest obsession: Gunpla. Rodney's enthusiasm is so contagious that, despite Jamie's resistance, it’s only a matter of time before he’s fully drawn into the world of Gundam model building.
Express 102: The Best of 2024
Hey Now Cabalists! In today's Express Don and Jamie present the annual Best of 2024 in which we discuss the games we love from the past year.
Express 101: Designer Spotlight Ryan Laukat
Today, Don, Tony, and Jamie dive headfirst into the remarkable world of Ryan Laukat, the visionary game designer, artist, and founder of Red Raven Games. Together, they explore a wide range of his celebrated games, highlighting their unique elements and discuss how Ryan and his his creative partner and wife, Malorie, have evolved and perfected their design philosophy over the years.
Express 100: Oktoberfest - A Celebration of Spiel Essen Releases
Hey now Cabalists and happy 100th episode of The Secret Cabal Express! Today Don, Jamie, and Chris are celebrating Oktoberfest by swilling beer and listing our favorite games that released at Spiel 2024 in Essen Germany! It's a Polka-Fest here at the secret cabal and we're fired up! The only thing we're missing is a plate of bratwurst, pierogies, and sauerkraut! Kick back, pour a beer, and celebrate with the Founders. PROST!
Express 99: Learning Roleplaying and Board Games
Hey Now Cabalists! It's a banner day here at the Secret Cabal because worlds are colliding! The Founders and Lords are together for a great conversion about learning games. On the Cabal Discord a Cabalist named Jamie brought up a great topic - why does it seem so much harder to learn new tabletop roleplaying game rules than it does new board games? The gang talks about their experience learning, teaching, and interpreting rules and comparing their experiences coming from different areas of the tabletop gaming hobby
Express 98: Casual Games
Hey Now Cabalists! We hope you're having a wonderful Wednesday! In today's Express Don and Jamie get together to discuss some games that don't get enough time on the flagship show - Casual Games. These are those low complexity, easy to teach, quick playing card and party games that we love to play with our families. The fellas recommend some awesome games that you'll be running out to the game store to snag.
Express 97: Gen Con 2024 Froth List
Hey Now Cabalists! In episode 97 of The Secret Cabal Express Don, Chris, and Jamie put together all of the games that they're frothing at the mouth and jumping outta their pants to get at from Gen Con 2024 coming up next month. Head over to TheSecretCabal.com and click on the link to this episode to get links to all the games we discussed on the show today. Enjoy!
Express 96: Epic Games
Hey now Cabalists! Today's episode of The Secret Cabal Express Tony gives us the rundown of his first visit to the California game convention KublaCon! And then the fellas get into a discussion about Epic Board games. Enjoy!
Express 95: Innovations, Novelties, and Gimmicks
Hey Now Cabalist! In today's episode of Express Don, Chris, and Jamie talk about Innovations, novelties, and gimmicks. What's the difference and what games exhibit these qualities? Enjoy!
Express 94: Fallout and Other Television
We got a full house on the cast today! Chris, Steve, Jamie, Tony T, and Battletome Mike leave the world of tabletop gaming in favor of a whole episode about Fallout, Invincible, The Boys, X-Men, True Detective, Spartacus, Resident Alien, and lots more! Join us for an hour of off topic nonsense!
Express 93: Crowdfunding
Today, Don and Jamie dive into a discussion about Kickstarter, Gamefound, Backerkit and Indiegogo... it's all about crowdfunding! We talk about the impact it's had on the consumer and the industry, and we give all our crowdfunding stats - the good, the bad, and the ugly. And yes, Don's is ALL ugly.
Express 92: Designer Spotlight Martin Wallace
Today, Don and Jamie embark on yet another exploration into the works of the renowned board game designer, Martin Wallace - a personal favorite of Jamie's. They delve into a myriad of his noteworthy games, discussing their standout features, and examine how Wallace has continually honed and refined his design approach throughout his illustrious career.
Express 91: The Best of 2023 and Lookback
Hey Now Cabalists! In today's Express Don and Jamie present the annual Best of 2023 and Lookback Special in which we look back at the past year and discuss the games we played and reviewed!
Express 90: The Island of Misfit Games with Special Guests
Don and Jamie are joined by The Secret Cabal Elf to discuss The Island of Misfit Games! Just like in Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer in which Rudolph, Hermey and Yukon Cornelius discover the Island of Misfit Toys, Don, Jamie and Elf discuss the strange, broken, or unattractive - yet fun to play - games that need to find good homes. Also, the gang is joined throughout the episode by their great friends Chaz Marler and Rodney Smith of Watch It Played, Joel Eddy of Drive Thru Games, and Dan King the Game Boy Geek to give their favorite misfits.
Express 89: The Anatomy of a Game Review
Well Cabalists, we're closing in on the end of the year and the founders are working on how they're going to make 2024 a great year of Cabal podcasting. Today Don and Jamie get together to discuss how the Cabal reviews board games and how they plan to make it more comprehensive in the future. Join the gang as they discussed the anatomy of a board game review.
Express 88: Designer Spotlight Uwe Rosenberg
Today Don, Tony, and Jamie dive into another spotlight of the legendary board game designer Uwe Rosenberg. The gang gives a few facts about his life and talks about the impact he's had on game design throughout the years. They also highlight some of his notable games and what makes them great.
Express 87: The Alien Brain of Tabletop Gamers
Today, Chris, Don, and Jamie Talk about the weird behavior of tabletop gamers!
Express 86: The Hottest Games Releasing At GenCon 2023
Today Don and Jamie list 11 games that they are the most excited about releasing at Gen Con 2023! 3 Ring Circus, Barcelona, Last Light, The Fox Experiment, After Us, Fit to Print, Sky Team, Expeditions, Undaunted: Battle of Britain, World Wonders, and Disney Animated.
Express 85: Dice
Today Chris, Tony and Jamie discuss a 2000 year old game component that every gamer has a love hate relationship with... dice!