The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#278: Thunder Road Vendetta and Losing

Hey Now Cabalists! It’s time for some more bananas board game discussion from the Founders and today we dive right into some amazing games we've been playing including Lewis and Clark, Hunt a Killer, Clank!, Masters of the Universe Fields of Eternia, Wizards of the Grimoire, and a feature review of Thunder Road Vendetta from Restoration games. Tony T, as always, gives us one of the greatest hours of tabletop gaming news you're ever going to find on the net. And finally, the gang kicks around a discussion topic about losing at board games.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#277: Distilled and a Short Topic Extravaganza

Today the Founders welcome AC from Lords of the Dungeon to an episode chocked full of crazy gaming nonsense! The gang gets into some games they've been playing including Dredge on PC, Mission Control Critical Orbit, Ierusalem: Anno Domini, Mother of Frankenstein, Imperial Steam, Robo-Rally and feature Distilled from Dave Beck and Paverson Game. Then, while Tony T is at karate camp, Stevie S takes over for the news! The gang wraps up the show with a Short Topic Extravaganza including rating games on BGG, RPGs vs Dungeon Crawls and how long is too long for a board game?

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#276: Hegemony Lead Your Class to Victory and Origins 2023

The gang is back from Origins Game Fair 2023 and they got a load of nonsense to talk about but first they get into the game they've been playing including Ostia, G.I. JOE The Deck-Building Game, Creature Comforts, Cuba Libre, A War of Whispers and feature Hegemony Lead Your Class to Victory from Vangelis Bagiartakis and Varnavas Timotheou. Then Tony T gives us all the most important tabletop gaming news stories from around the tabletop gaming community and industry. And finally, the Founders recap their trip to Columbus Ohio for Origins Game Fair!

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#275: Maharaja and a Short Topic Extravaganza

It’s time again for the Founders to throw down some irreverent nonsense for you all! Today the gang features Maharaja from Michael Kiesling and Wolfgang Kramer. Then. after Tony T provides his incredible insights on the news of the day, the boys get into some short topics submitted by listeners including culling games you actually love, what makes a perfect IP game, and Klaus Teuber, CATAN and the games that got us into hobby board gaming.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#274: The Witcher Old World and The Cabalists Court

Good morning and happy Wednesday Cabalists, it's that time again for some irreverent nonsense with The Founders! Today the gang talks about the new Discord channel and runs through some of the games they've been playing including Hegemony: Lead your Class to Victory, Takenoko, Mindbug: Beyond, Now or Never, Agricola 15 and feature The Witcher Old World. Then Tony T gives us the best damned official tabletop gaming news you'll ever hear. And finally Judge Topper is back, and court is in session with The Cabalist's Court.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#273: Darwin's Journey and Games That Fired Other Games

HEY OH! It's time for some more Secret Cabal in your life. Today the gang goes bananas outta the gate and gets into some games they've been playing including Thunder Road Vendetta, Nemesis: Lockdown, New York 1901, Dead by Daylight: The Boardgame, Galaxy Trucker and feature Simone Luciani and Nestore Mangone's newest masterpiece, Darwin's Journey. Then after Tony T gives us what he does best - the official tabletop gaming news, the gang digs into a discussion about games that fired other games and feature some Cabalist thoughts!

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#272: Masters of the Universe and Civilization Games

Episode 272 starts out with an oldie but a goodie, Chris' Movie review segment in which he kinda talks about the Tetris movie and trails off into something else. Then the gang gets busy with the games they've been playing including Yokohama, 51st State: Ultimate Edition, Core Worlds, Starship Captains, Revive and a feature review of Masters of the Universe Clash for Eternia from CMON. Then after Tony T goes ape with the best damn news segment in the third Galaxy, the Founders discuss what makes a Civilization game.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#271: Beast and Worn Out Genres and Mechanisms

Hey now Cabalists and welcome to episode 271 of the secret cabal gaming podcast! Today the gang starts off by talking about some game days they've recently attended and a bunch of the games they've been playing including Marrakesh, Long Shot The Dice Game, Joan of Arc, Theurgy, Ferret Out, Score Cards and a feature review of Beast. Then after Tony T gives you the best official tabletop gaming news that you can find on the internet, the Founders talk about some genres and mechanisms that just might have worn out their welcome.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#270: Earth and A Short Topic Extravaganza

The Founders blast into episode 270 by talking about some amazing games they've been getting busy with over the past couple week including Endless Winter, Deal with the Devil, Suburbia, Root Digital and feature Earth from Inside Up Games and designed by Maxime Tardif. Then Tony T goes absolutely wild with the official tabletop gaming news segment. And finally the gang gets into some listener submitted questions including retro video games they enjoyed growing up, online gaming platforms and most loved vs most played.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#269: Atiwa and Thematic Mechanisms

THE 2023 KICKSTARTER IS LIVE NOW! Before listening, get on over there and support the Cabal! Then you'll heard us open the show with Steve and his horrible jokes and onward to some of the great games we've been playing including Theurgy, Northern Pacific, Magic the Gathering, Old London Bridge, City of the Great Machine, and a feature review of Uwe Rosenberg newest game, Atiwa! Then Tony T busts out the actual official tabletop gaming news and the gang wraps up the episode by discussing thematic mechanisms in board games.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#268: Dead of Winter and Exploring Psychology in Board Games

Hey Now Cabalists! The gang is back to and because they're obsessed, they talk about the Pennsylvania bigfoot and Don's belief in the ancient aliens. Then they dive into the games they've been playing including Karmaka, Search for Planet X, Rolling Realms and Inscyption on Steam. Then The Founders welcome their great friend Dan King The Game Boy Geek to share some game recommendations including East India Companies and Score Card. And then the boys dive into a very special feature review, Dead of Winter from Isaac Vega and Jon Gilmour. Tony T, as always, gives the listeners a taste of what’s going on out there in the tabletop gaming news world. And finally, the gang hosts a discussion about exploiting the psychology of the other players in board gaming.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#267: Autobahn and a Short Topic Extravaganza

Hey Now Cabalists and welcome to another game stuffed episode of The Secret Cabal. Today, after the gang theorizes about Bigfoot's ecology we get into a list of games we've been playing including The Yawning Portal, Zombicide Undead or Alive, Boon Lake, Chronicles of Crime: 2400, Lost Ruins of Arnak Expedition Leaders, and a feature review of Autobahn by Fabio Lopiano and Nestore Mangone. Then after Tony T kick off another tabletop gaming news segment the gang jumps into some listener submitted questions discussing murder mystery party games, board game inspired video games and Bullshit or Believe it ala The Bigfoot Collector's Club.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#266: Encyclopedia and The X Factor of Popular Board Games

The Founders are back for another jam-packed episode starting out with a bit of tv show talk and leading into and a bunch of games we've been playing including The Thing: The Board Game, QE, Wonderland’s War, Heroes of Land Air and Sea, Scout and a feature review of Encyclopedia. Then Tony T gives us the greatest tabletop gaming news in the world of tabletop gaming as the rest of the gang quacks in the background. And finally, the boys discuss that special magic that games certain board games explode in popularity.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

265: Starship Captains and A Short Topic Extravaganza

Hey Now Cabalists! It's time for your weekly dose of Cabal nonsense! Today the gang takes a look at a bunch of awesome games including The Shivers, Autobahn, Raiders of the North Sea Digital, Fall of the Mountain King, Cat in the Box and Don and Jamie feature Starship Captains designed by Peter B. Hoffgaard and published by CGE. Then Tony T gives you all the relevant news from around the gaming verse. And finally, the Founders host another Short Topic Extravaganza with topics like how factors game for a great game session, who are some of our favorite content creators and do you think it's okay to have multiple game with the same style or theme.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#264: Lacrimosa and Keeping Your Gaming Life Fresh

Oh baby, it's the first show of the year and after a little holiday break the Founders are back for some crazy Cabal antics! Today the gang gets into some of the games they've been playing including Forest of Radgost, Creature Comforts, Merchants of the Dark Road, Marvel Snap, Mindbug and features Lacrimosa designed by Gerard Ascensi and Ferran Renalias and published by Devir. After Tony T knocks your socks off with another bombastic tabletop gaming news segment the boys get into a discussion about keeping their gaming lives fresh.

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The Secret Cabal, Christmas James Keagy The Secret Cabal, Christmas James Keagy

#263: Ahoy and The Games of Christmas Past Present and Future

Ho Ho Ho Cabalists! It's the 2022 Secret Cabal Holiday Special! Today the Don and Jamie talk about their time at PAX Unplugged and a bunch of games they've played including Obsession, Fire & Stone: Siege of Vienna 1683, Clank! Catacombs, Wicked & Wise and Ready, Set Bet and a feature review of Ahoy by Greg Loring-Albright and Leder Games. Then between all the Secret Cabal Christmas tunes, Tony T kicks out the best damned tabletop gaming news segment in the history of tabletop gaming podcasts and the gang talks about games from the past, present and future that bring them joy.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#262: Sabotage and Revisiting Crowdfunding

Hey now! It's time for another healthy dose of Cabal nonsense! Today the gang gets into some of the games they've been playing including Star Trek Ascendency, Weather Machine, Mechs vs Minions, Paperback Adventures, San Francisco, and features Sabotage by Tim Fowers. Then Tony T gives the most wonderful tabletop gaming roundup any newsman has every provided. Finally, the Founders take a look at crowdfunding and how their habits have changed over the years and how they may be changing in the future.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#261: Alma Mater and What We're Thankful For In Gaming

Gobble Gobble Gobble, Cabalists! It's coming up on that holiday where we eat way too much take naps on the couch (or that would be a typical day at my house). The gang dives in with some games they've been playing including Planted, Horrified Universal Monsters, Monster Slaughter, Oak, Ark Nova and our feature review Alma Mater from Eggertspiele. Tony Topper does what a Tony Topper does best and enlightens us with all the best tabletop gaming news out there. And finally, the founders list some things that really stick in their craw and what games they're thankful for that fix those issues.

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The Secret Cabal James Keagy The Secret Cabal James Keagy

#260: Endless Winter Paleoamericans and a Short Topic Extravaganza

Hey Now Cabalists! Alabama White Thing? Alabama Booger Monster? Turkey Man Steve? The mysterious primates are everywhere! Today the gang talks about a bunch of great games they’ve been getting into including Valaria: Card, Mosaic, Don't Go In There, Flamecraft, Campaign Trail and a feature review of Endless Winter: Paleoamericans from Stan Kordonskiy Fantasia Games. Then after Tony T gives you an on fleek tabletop gaming news roundup the gang gets into some short topics including rare and out of print games, the complexity to fun ratio and what game could you beat Death at to not go to hell?

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The Secret Cabal, Halloween James Keagy The Secret Cabal, Halloween James Keagy

#259: Night of the Living Dead and What To Watch This Halloween

Happy Halloween Cabalists! It's that time of year when the Founders are visited by Wolfman Steve and The Gatekeeper for some spooky fun and games! First the gang talks about their very own cryptid that lives in the forests near their home. Then the gaming ghoulies jump into some games they've been playing including a feature review of Night of the Living Dead A Zombicide Game. Then Tony T gives us the creepiest, most hair-raising haunted new segments in all of Halloween Town. Then finally the Founders give board games a break and talk about the TV shows and movies we're watching this October!

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