Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy

#22: Shadowrun Special Edition

In episode 22 of Lords of the Dungeon Bender, Jess and Jamie give you a special edition spotlight on Shadowrun, the classic cyberpunk and fantasy mashup role playing game published by Catalyst Game Lab. We begin by talking about the setting and lore of the Sixth World and move into the depth and complexities of the game mechanisms.

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Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy Lords of the Dungeon James Keagy

#21: RPG Sports, GM vs Player Description and Playing Your Alignment

In episode 21 the Lords talk about Bender and Jess' new massively multiplayer online tabletop Shadowrun campaign they're about to start. Then the gang talks about a new role playing game sports tournament that will be streamed on Twitch. The Lords take a questions from a listener regarding how out GMs and players tend to describe the actions their taking. Then finally we have a discussion about alignment, what it means and how we use it in game.

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