Express James Keagy Express James Keagy

Express 84: Designer Spotlight Jamey Stegmaier

Today Don, Tony and Jamie present a designer spotlight on Jamey Stegmaier. The gang talks about the myriad of games he's designed including Viticulture, Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia, Scythe, Charterstone, Tapestry, Red Rising and Rolling Realms and his progression as a designer and business man.

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Express James Keagy Express James Keagy

Express 82: Board Game Geek

This week the Martin Wallace game Brass Birmingham overtook the number 1 spot on Board Game Geek's ranking, and it sparked a feud between the Brass lovers and the Gloomhaven Lovers. Don, Jamie, and Tony discuss this controversy and go into some detail about Board Game Geek, how they use it and what makes it a special place for the board game community.

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Express James Keagy Express James Keagy

Express #81 The Best of 2022 And Lookback

Welcome Cabalists to the first annual Best of 2022 and Lookback Special in which we look back at the past year and discuss the games played and reviewed. The gang will list their individual top 5 games that The Cabal reviewed in 2022, the top 5 games the guys individually played but did not review and the top 5 games they missed in 2022.

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Express, Christmas James Keagy Express, Christmas James Keagy

Express 80: Helping Santa Gift Games To Gamers

In this, the first Express Episode in a full year, Don, Chris and Jamie are joined by their very good friend The Secret Cabal Christmas Elf to help Santa out with gifting games to gamers. The boys go through a series of categories including games for game enthusiasts, party games, stocking stuffers, budget games and more.

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Express, Christmas James Keagy Express, Christmas James Keagy

#79: The Island of Misfit Games

Don and Jamie open the show discussing a topic from the forums regarding our favorite Holiday movies and transition into our main topic - The Island of Misfit Games. Just like in Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer in which Rudolph, Hermey and Yukon Cornelius discover the Island of Misfit Toys, Don and Jamie visit a different island at which strange, broken, or unattractive - yet fun to play - games reside. Can we find homes for these misfit games?

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Express, Halloween James Keagy Express, Halloween James Keagy

#77: The Return of Horror Video Games with Matt Evans of Board Game Replay

Don and Jamie welcome Honorary Founder Matt Evans of Board Game Replay to celebrate Halloween with some spooky, creepy and super fun horror video games! Most of the games discussed in this episode are by indie developers but are inexpensive giving you a good bang for your buck - or scare for your buck in some cases. Please check out for a full list of the games discussed. Also check out for all of Matt's amazing videos.

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Express James Keagy Express James Keagy

#75: Challenges in Board Games

Hey Now Cabalists! In today's episode of The Secret Cabal Express, Don and Jamie start out by talking about the new Descent Legends of the Dark and transition into talking about the challenges that make up the board games we love and why those challenges enhance the enjoyment.

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Express James Keagy Express James Keagy

#73: Tabletop Trends and Gaming Guts

In episode 73 Tony, Don and Jamie jump into a discussion about the Pokemon and Trading Card frenzy going on at Wal-Mart. They discuss a video featuring a swarm of savages descending upon the trading card section and causing a scene. Then the gang discusses Tabletop Trends and Gaming Guts - when a good thing because a fad in the gaming community and when that fad turns into an all-out gut.

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Express James Keagy Express James Keagy

#72: The Four Types of Immersion

In episode 72 Chris, Don and Jamie discuss the four types of immersion as defined in the book "Patterns In Game Design" by Staffan Björk and Jussi Holopainen. The four types include Sensory-motoric Immersion, Cognitive Immersion, Emotional Immersion and Spatial Immersion. The gang talks about how each of these traditionally video game related categories relate to tabletop gaming.

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Express James Keagy Express James Keagy

#69: Theme, Lore and Backstory in Tabletop Games

In episode 69 Jamie, Steve and Aaron start out by talking about some video games they've been playing lately including, Slay the Spire and Hell Let Loose and transion into a long discussion about how theme, lore and backstory can enrich the gameplay of many tabletop games.

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Express, Christmas James Keagy Express, Christmas James Keagy

#68: Holiday Gift Giving with Rodney Smith of Watch It Played

In episode 67 Jamie, Don and Chris are joined by their great friend Rodney Smith of Watch It Played to talk about what they've been up to this holiday season, how to give great gifts to the gamers in their lives and some of the best gifts they've given and received in the past. From all of us here at the Secret Cabal Gaming Podcast, we hope you have a wonderful, joyous, and safe holiday season!

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Express James Keagy Express James Keagy

#67: Trend Setters and Unique Board Games For Your Collection

In episode 67 Don and Jamie get together to talk about board games that set the trends and revolutionized board game design and some that have stood the test of time and some that have faded into obscurity. Then we list of some of the most unique games we have played that you might want to add to your collection.

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