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#63: Gaming In-Person and The Games from 2020 That We're Excited To Play When We Finally Do

In episode 63 Tony, Don and Jamie sit down and talk about a topic that's been on our minds lately, when is it right to get back to gaming in person? And when we do, what precautions are we going to have to take to ensure the comfort and safety of ourselves and our friends. Then, we talk about the awesome games that have come out in 2020 that are piling up around out feet that we're so excited to play when we finally do get back to gaming in-person.

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#61: Euro Games vs Ameritrash Games

In episode 61 Jamie, Steve, Don and Aaron from Lords of the Dungeon start off by talking about retail therapy and their growing collection of video games. Then the gang jumps into a discussion about Euro Games and Ameritrash games and what we like and dislike about both.

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#60: The Golden Age of Intellectual Properties in Board Games

In episode 60, Chris, Steve, Don, Tony and Jamie sit down to talk about what seems to be the golden age of intellectual properties in board games. Games using movies, tv shows, video games, books and more are becoming more and more thoughtful and well developed and many publishers are thriving from developing quality hobby minded board games developing games in this space. The Founders discuss this and pitch some ideas for IP board games that they would love to see happen.

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#59: Influential Game Mechanisms

In episode 59, Don and Jamie sit down to talk about a series of essential and influential board game mechanisms that were game changers of our hobby. Mechanisms that, when first arriving on the scene, shook up the way games were designed and added a new tool to the game design toolbox.

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#58: Questions, Misconceptions and WTFs of Board Game Publishing with Stephen Buonocore

In episode 58, We start out today's episode with a special message to the Cabalists and then right into the episode proper. Today the Chris, Don and Jamie are joined by their very good friend Stephen Buonocore of Stronghold Games to discuss the board game publishing industry. Stephen answers all of our and the Cabalists questions about what it takes to publish a board game in today's industry. If you want to hear more about publishing, check out Stephen's podcast called Board Games Insider at and all the wonderful games he publishes at

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#57: Replayability with Honorary Founder Dan King The Game Boy Geek

In episode 57, Jamie, Steve and Don welcome longtime friend and Honorary Founder, Dan King, The Game Boy Geek. Dan starts out by giving Jamie some recommendations for great casual games to take back to his family and then we talk about Dan's currently running Kickstarter to fun his YouTube review channel. Then the gang goes deep into a discussion about replayability and lists some games that they feel are extremely replayable.

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#53: H.P. Lovecraft and the Cthulhu Mythos

In episode 53 of the Secret Cabal Express, Steve, Jamie and Chris talk about H.P. Lovecraft and The Cthulhu Mythos! We discuss the history of Lovecraft and the creation of the Mythos and then talk all about our favorite the stories, games, movies, TV shows and comics inspired by Lovecraft's work.

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#51: We Are Collectors

Chris and Jamie get together to talk about all of their collections today and what they collected when they are kids. They go from Funko Pops, to model cars, guitars, toys, statues and more.

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#50: The Gen Con 2019 Preview Special

In the 50th episode of The Secret Cabal Express, the whole gang, Jamie, Tony, Chris, Steve and Don, who are rolling out to Gen Con 2019 in Indianapolis, Indiana get together to discuss the shenanigans they plan on getting into at the convention, talk about Steve's first time going to Gen Con and what to expect, some advice to new convention attendees and then talk about a giant list of games releasing that they're excited about.

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Express, Three Amigos James Keagy Express, Three Amigos James Keagy

#49: The Three Amigos Discuss Origins 2019 and Go Fandom Wild

In episode 49 of the Secret Cabal Express, Jamie welcomes Honorary Founders Rodnedy Smith of Watch It Played and Marty Connell of Rolling Dice and Taking Names to talk about Origins Game Fair 2019 in Columbus Ohio, the shenanigans they plan to get into and the food and games they're looking forward to. Then The Three Amigos discuss fandom (spoiler free) including Game Conventions, board games, Game of Thrones, Star Wars, Twin Peaks, Lord of the Rings, Games Workshop, Privateer Press and more. Please check out Rodney's channel, Watch It Played at and Marty's podcast at and also the Rolling Dice and Taking Names fundraiser at

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#47: Finding the Fun in a Game That’s Not So Great

In episode 47 of the Secret Cabal Express, Jamie, Chris and Steve start off by talking about making Top 50 list videos and our upcoming Kickstarter. Then we jump into a story about a game we recently played that wasn't so good but how we managed to have fun anyway. We discuss some other games that even though they aren't the best designed games of all time, we still manage to like them.

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#44: The Joy of the Miniatures Hobby

In episode 44 of The Secret Cabal Express Bender, Aaron and Jamie talk about the joy the find in the miniatures hobby. They discuss the tools you'll need, assembly, priming, painting, basing, and a bunch of techniques they've learned to use over the years.

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