Express 90: The Island of Misfit Games with Special Guests

Don and Jamie are joined by The Secret Cabal Elf to discuss The Island of Misfit Games! Just like in Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer in which Rudolph, Hermey and Yukon Cornelius discover the Island of Misfit Toys, Don, Jamie and Elf discuss the strange, broken, or unattractive - yet fun to play - games that need to find good homes. Also, the gang is joined throughout the episode by their great friends Chaz Marler and Rodney Smith of Watch It Played, Joel Eddy of Drive Thru Games, and Dan King the Game Boy Geek to give their favorite misfits.

Jamie’s Misfits

  1. Score Cards
    Mike Fitzgerald
    Plaay Games

  2. Robin Hood and the Merry Men
    Ivana Krstevski, Vojkan Krstevski, Maja Matovska, Martyn Poole, Toni Toshevski
    Final Frontier Games

  3. Northern Pacific
    Amabel Holland
    Rio Grande Games

  4. Meeple War
    Max Valembois

Don’s Misfits

  1. Welcome to Centerville
    Chad Jensen
    GMT Games

  2. City of the Great Machine
    German Tikhomirov
    CrowD Games

  3. Unsettled
    Tom Mattson, Marc Neidlinger
    Orange Nebula

  4. Sabotage
    Tim Fowers
    Fowers Games


#288: Raising Robots and The Shelf of Shame Challenge


#287: World Wonders and the Newlywed Game Founders Edition